smart and sexy

It’s a mixture I like,
If it all fits,
Does she like me?
I wish she did,
Or does,
I got a buzz,
And she likes it,
All I know,
She is sexy,
Smart and cute,
Glasses and all,
Everything I would want,
So I say nice things,
Excited by my words,
Hoping that they hit,
And fit in just nice,
To make her smile,
That’s all I wanted.

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  1. Jixi Fox

    2 Reasons… Because 1, We fear denial just like a girl, just as how I girl wouldn’t normal ask a guy out she likes or even really compliment him on his appearance…
    2, most guys always got to make the first move, society is not built like that anymore, plus we try to make sure we like the person and have a reason before we say things, at least the respectful ones, because we don’t want to sound silly. Next to that. lol Sounds like the answer is like 5 reasons than two, is the we know women hear or just cat calls from men all day, how do we know she going to take it as genuine and respond in a good manner.


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