Hello January - Happy January 2018 Month

You made me smile today,
Appreciative of the life given,
A New Year to fly again,
Started off years ago with smaller things,
Now I grew taller into bigger wings,
I don’t ever want to let me down again,
So here is what I am promising,
To be a better me,
No more excuses,
No more arguments,
Dun Talk!


Hi, friends of the blog, wave Hi to January 2018

This year I hope to live my best life, and this month is the start of it.
I am happy to have you join in and wish the best for you as well. 🙂

January’s Briefing

Location: “Jixi Fox HQ”
Mission: Win
Strategy: Create Valuable Content


Release the 1st book of a series of books monthly.  1 of 12

Engage/Communicate daily on your content and other’s content.

Contribute more to the culture and community, and be part of the conversation to educate.


Thoughts Out Loud

In order to make this mission a success, I need to be more confident.  I need to read more, give up a few sleep days.  Upon give up these sleep days, you must take care of your body more.  Read into how your body reacts to the extra 3-6 hours daily giving up for the goal of winning.  Surround yourself with positive reinforcements.  More happy thoughts, and don’t be scared or feel bad when you have to cut things with others short.  You need to respect your time and push forth these efforts. Let’s Go!!!


Thanks for reading…
Jixi Fox


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