I see you with that lazy eye,
Winking at me,
I am coming your way,
So don’t sway,
Stand still,
Just chill,
I am only bringing,
Feel my energy,
It stems from my center,
In to your presence,
I must enter,
I have a few leaves,
You may pick,
As my bright yellow,
Give off happiness.

Flowers: ” “

Photo by Mitch Lensink
Photo by virginia lackinger

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Jixi Fox
Instagram: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

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Jixi Fox â„— Â© 2019
All Rights Reserved.

10 thoughts on “DAISIES #FLOWERS

  1. Pingback: FLOWERS #POETRY #SERIES | Spoken Word Poetry, Art & Haiku in fun mini series…New York City.

      1. Nomi Love

        Good deal! Smiles are almost as beautiful as flowers. 🙂 There are so many beautiful flowers indeed but a fav would be White Calla Lilies.

      2. Jixi Fox

        Dang you are second person that requested a new version of lilies… it’s crazy for that’s the first one I wrote to. I love lilies. Well there are so many other days to go with other great posts on the way. I got to make the one for #Roses super special. I got my work cut out for me, I can’t disappoint

      3. Nomi Love

        Yes, I still write I don’t use IG much at all although I thought of using it more to connect. But I do have an email for correspondence and Still exploring social media options for content.

      4. Jixi Fox

        That’s dope, the reason I asked was I wanted to stay in contact and if you are open for it to do a “poetic duet” collaboration I think it will be fun and we would have a shared work that will live on in the world…Iike I said if you are down. Email Convos are cool

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