I always try to resist,
I always try to catch my grip,
I always try to be bold,
I fell for a girl again,
I fell deep,
I couldn’t catch myself,
I was feeling her to much,
I couldn’t help myself,
By me being excited,
She left me dry,
As much as I am feeling her,
To her I was not her type of guy.

Photo by Zest Tea

Jixi Fox

7 thoughts on “IT HAPPENED AGAIN

  1. TamrahJo

    Ahh Jixi – for so long, it feels like, I have read your works and wondered, “Is it based off real life?” and if so, I hope for you, just like I hope for my son, whose soul is as deep and open to joy, empathy, etc., the blessing of meeting a gal who sees and loves just as much as I do, these sides of both of you – – <3

    1. Jixi Fox

      I see. This one is closer to being about me. I write what comes to mind. I free write my thoughts to clarify the inner emotions or questions I have in my mind. One day I will meet that one. I long to think I will find the lady of my dreams, doing the thing I love to do, “writing” 🙂

      1. TamrahJo

        I don’t know – I’ll have to ask him. He has this past year, found Starset (sp?) and shares their music/videos with me – but I don’t claim to understand all the ‘genres’ or name familiarity on all his fave bands – – We both have a very ecletic music taste and it’s hard to nail one genre/style, etc., AND remember ALL the performer names! LOL

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