It’s a new month and blooming feelings of happiness. I am happy for the spring feelings, spring air, hot weather, New York City spring events and positive energy.

Every month I hope to writing a welcome to a new month series to look forward too. It’s more like a positive vibes and what’s to come. I working on building my platform and adding series I have been testing for over 6 months.

I am writing to say thank you. Thank you for adding a new life to the blog, comments and interests. Life is so much better in a community.

I wish everyone success and happiness in this spring and summer and looking to make my website more valuable to everyone for everyday life but with a twist.

See you soon. Happy May.

Photo by Mark Olsen
Photo by J Lee

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© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox

5 thoughts on “HELLO MAY!

    1. Jixi Fox

      Hi Anita, thanks… I got a keen eye for photos that pop sometimes. Sometimes I get lucky. Are you a visual person or have an eye for photography?

      1. Anita

        I am very visual but I also love photography. My cameras were stolen a few years ago and I still need to replace them. Phones do a pretty good job but they are not quite the same! I love the feel of a camera!

      2. Jixi Fox

        Oh snap a fella photographer. Yes I fee the same… sorry for the camera being stolen. Oh I know I went wild on your site today… I had to leave an impression to hopefully make your day, you definitely have a great site and content, I can’t wait for more.

      3. Anita

        Thanks so much!! Glad you enjoyed it. There is lots of content so keep exploring! I have a new one ready to go and another idea brewing. Writing helps me hyperfocus and its a great way to build connection. 🙂

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