Okay, so each month I am going to make an announcement day, it’s currently pending on it being the 2nd of the month. The site needs a bit of structure for which to know what is going on. Creating a set schedule is crucial and I on it. I also want to have a feedback post each month to hear everyone’s thoughts and opinion and things other creatives are working on. I definitely want to give back and support other’s as much as other have done for me.

My last announcement is a double mention. I am going to do a Q&A section, as well as posts. I have been in big plans for my podcast, and professional consulting site coming as well. Much of my plans has been in development for over one year as the time wasn’t right. I am excited to see how it all comes along and the resources I will share with everyone to be greater creators and what I use.

So as this my announcement day, what do you have going on? Share in the comments things you have been working on, you are proud of? Share a series you love and anything you are looking forward too. I want to be your cheerleader of creativity…


Photo by Han Chenxu
Photo by Efe Yağız Soysal
Photo by Leohoho

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© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox

4 thoughts on “ANNOUNCEMENT DAY

  1. Stuart Danker

    No I want to be the cheerleader to your creativity, lol. It’s great that you’re trying to structure your blog somewhat, because I personally just post every Tuesday and that’s that. I wish I had some structure. Anyway, have fun with your new Announcement Day schedule!

    1. Jixi Fox

      Thanks Stuart. I bit of structure won’t hurt nobody. lol. It’s like knowing when your favorite tv show is coming on, or a certain content you like.


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