Tag Archives: LinkinPark

I want to do something cool this year

Indoor Shooting Range at Sarasota, Florida, US...

Image via Wikipedia

I hate to be a bore and I try to entertain myself to the fullest as much as possible.  I am seeking something cool to do this year.  Nothing is popping up on my cool radar.  Of course it has to be something new and super fun, but what could it be though.  Living in New York comes with a lot of perks and options, some better than others, while some are just super lame and played out.  I wonder if anyone in the blog-o-sphere who might read this have an idea on something cool to do this year.  Let’s see if I can brainstorm a list of things I might find cool to do…

Here my quick off the top of the head list:

1. Go to shooting range and shoot a gun for the 1st time.
2. Test drive a Porsche, on the streets or even just in a parking lot.
3. Dress up like a ninja and perform a cool ninja move. (whatever that may be)
4. Meet Diddy, Ludacris, Linkin Park or Usher.  (You can’t beat that)

Well that was my quick list.  But the chances of those happening are very slim, except maybe the shooting range…well let’s see what might happen done the line of the year.

If you have any ideas, shoot me a comment and let me know, kindly, PLEASE 🙂

itz jixi