Improv Equals Creativity

Being an improv comedian its quite important to be very creative and resourceful when putting on a show. When you are ready to act or perform with little to no direction you have to be quick and ready to draw on some kind of concept, launch off and keep building. As much I enjoy a well choreographed performance, improv challenges me to be fresh and quick on my feet and my delivery. If you don’t lock in your audience quickly you might end up losing them all together in which they don’t care anymore for the plot or climax of your work.

I also find this the same case with music. If the beat, or the beginning doesn’t sound well, why should anyone stick around to hear the progression of the song. Lately I have been experimenting in both fields, I guess as like my audition tape to see how creativity and entertaining I can be in a short span of time and still entertain and draw in my audience.

If you feel like me or interested in seeing this in full swing stay tuned to my show, Universal Auditions on youtube in which I unleash my creativity within music and improv comedy.

Be creative today, tomorrow, and everyday.
itz jixi

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