How Many Days Has It Been?

I forgot,
So I must ask,
How many days has it been,
Since I was isolated from my pen,
Haven’t written a word,
But lost in my thoughts I have been,
Quarantined, isolated,
I have inhaled it all,
But have yet to exhale anything,
I am not breathing right,
My air is not filled with answers,
But despair,
For more fears start sinking in,
Masks on,
I am afraid for the wind,
For where is the care,
When are practicing Social distancing,
Out world is changing,
In time things will be relieved,
How far can I go in my industry,
If there is no relief,
No protection,
Little tools to use,
But there are suggestions,
Eyes glued to the news,
Or Youtube,
Or IG doing Tik Tok dances,
Trying to find peace in a message…
How many days have it been?

To Be Continued…

Photo by terricks noah
Photo by Riccardo Pelati

Thanks for reading,

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