Tag Archives: personal finance

What Topics Do You Like To Discuss?

Daily writing prompt
What topics do you like to discuss?

I love to discuss art, movies, and tv shows. When it comes to style of writing, acting, and arch to storylines, I enjoy talking and discussing. I have a strong passion for the topics of psychology, mental health, self-improvement and development, and personal finance. Those are my bed and butter, as these are topics with so much depth in many other aspects. It unlocks so much about us—the decisions we make, the reasons why we operate, and also how we react to situational happenings.

If you are writing within this prompt, and you love to talk about these topics above, just drop me a “smiley face” 🙂 in the comments, as I would love to follow your blog, website and chat via social media. I would love to start a community in these fields. 🙂