Tag Archives: mental health

What Topics Do You Like To Discuss?

Daily writing prompt
What topics do you like to discuss?

I love to discuss art, movies, and tv shows. When it comes to style of writing, acting, and arch to storylines, I enjoy talking and discussing. I have a strong passion for the topics of psychology, mental health, self-improvement and development, and personal finance. Those are my bed and butter, as these are topics with so much depth in many other aspects. It unlocks so much about us—the decisions we make, the reasons why we operate, and also how we react to situational happenings.

If you are writing within this prompt, and you love to talk about these topics above, just drop me a “smiley face” 🙂 in the comments, as I would love to follow your blog, website and chat via social media. I would love to start a community in these fields. 🙂

Keep Planting Seeds To Grow

Planting Seeds To Grow

The riches and wealth we seek,
May not bloom on the first seeds,
To feed a village,
You need to keep planting seeds.

When its reaping time, the more crops you lay down, determine the maximum effort and results you can sow.

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Jixi Fox across the internet (I create diverse content on each platform) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcasts: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2024 | Jixi Fox | @jixifox

Deep Meditation and Yoga | Health

A Deeper Feeling of Self

Lately I have been spending a lot more time meditating and breathing more. I have always thought, who can spend at least 10 minutes per day to practice deep breathing and meditation. I honestly never understood, who had time to slow down their mind for that.

I am not talking about reading, walking, eating slowly, or staring off into nowhere. and call it deep breathing and meditation. It wasn’t until I had done it; I understood. Everyone has time for things they need in their lives. I can now say I can take the time needed with ease and without guilt of missing out on other things in my life.

It was a path of being ready for it. You can’t complete something if you are not fundamentally ready for it; to appreciate it. I wasn’t ready, until I saw myself making space for myself—in my mind, body, and spirit—to allot time to myself.

The growth has been so wonderful and enchanting. Today has been 61 straight days I have been on this journey. I am happy to continue, and grow more into this space. I started to treat my time with so much love.

Mornings: I do yoga and stretching.
Afternoons: I write tiny notes/messages of kindness to myself
Evenings: I do meditations before bed.

Have you ever tired deep breathing and meditation in your life?

Photo by Aaron Cook on Unsplash

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Jixi Fox across the internet (I create diverse content on each platform) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcasts: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2024 | Jixi Fox | @jixifox


Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com

Unlike tomorrow,
Make a change today,
Let the moment sink in,
You are far from yesterday.

Everyday we wont be good and in the zone. We can accept we did a best to move forward.

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Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox


Why they hating,
They should be relating,
Look for the best of me,
Instead of the toxic dating,
I should be shaking,
But I won’t,
I am on the move,
Not on the phone,
Don’t wish to be like me,
Be you,
Instead of trying to be a clone.

Photo by Ben Mater

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Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox


They stay trying to dim your light. You have to fight to shine bright. Don’t allow others to disrespect or neglect. You are someone, you are somebody, you deserve a chance, so be the person who gives yourself that chance.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

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Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox



Life ain’t a bed of rose,
I tried to do the best I can,
Because I chose,
To raise up,
So close to the bottom,
My feet’s stuck,
The ambition I have,
Is called trust your real gut,
I have to dig myself out the mud,
Working too hard or catch some mean luck,
I am trying to get to a new high,
The lows dont seem so bad,
Because I feel like a new guy,
Dressing way too fly,
Soaring way too high,
I am in a new sky,
I Ain’t worrying about losing,
Until the noose is tied,
Trying to bring me down,
Take off my crown,
Life is a cycle,
Just a bunch of wild ups and downs.

About This Series:

Spoken Word Thursday is a series I have been doing for years, bringing the real and important topics to life. I still have the style to produced the works in poetry, lyrics and storytelling in an artistic way. Either in the form of writtens, poetry reading, poetry slam, slam poetry, and of course spoken word, creativity & originality will always be the core.
As a creative writer, I write about anything, as my inspiration list is almost infinite. There is nothing like connecting with people, while learning and sharing art & style.
I hope you enjoy the experience.

Photo by Dineshkumar M
Photo by Louis Droege

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Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox



Smile, it’s a good way to remember yourself & someone. Add more positive energy to your world and others. There are so much health benefits to smiling, as well as is a conscious ability to make change.

1. Smiling is Contagious

Smiling is a winning move to use to win over others. It can be at times very contagious as it symbolize happiness and joy. People tend to gravitate to others who are happy and gleeful. Think of a happy baby, or a baby laughing or giggling, you can’t help but think it’s adorable and add good memories to your life. When tend to remember the bad times more than the good. Let’s flip that around and go out and smile today, but of course, smiling for the right reasons, as it may help someone’s day seeing you smile.

2. Smiling Makes You Confident & Attractive

Turn that frown upside down. Unless you are trying to push other’s away, smiling is inviting act and actually draws others into to you. It can just be just perception, but people sometime assume you have a happy and positive personality when they find you smiling. If you don’t believe, take a scroll or two on Instagram, and see that positive and beautiful people tend to smile more. It’s as if you should work on putting your best features up front.

Try it out in the bathroom or the mirror before heading in public, as some people don’t believe they have a good smile, or don’t feel confident with their smile. A good workshop is find something that naturally brings you joy or laughter and capture that moment and work on how to get that feeling to be there in your moments of doubt. It shall be a reminder to you as what your natural smile and happy face looks like.

3. Smiling Reduces Stress & Adds Positivity

Changing your mood and atmosphere can be a struggle, but smiling is the key to happy. Think of that moment you were having a bad day, and you thought of a past good experience or a really good joke, it takes to reduce the pressure in the moment. It gives a break from reality, slows the pace and helps you focus on you. You are very important to the world. You matter to someone, but before you can do so, you have to matter to you. Think of being around someone that add so much joy and smiles, it makes times fly pass at time. Smiling helps us from not looking sad, tired, worn down, and lost. At times you have to fake it until you make it, practice is a way help make less hard.

4. Smiling Elevates Mood & Productivity

Moods are not always long lasting, as it changes as the hours, days, weeks and months go on. But to counteract the bad days, smiling pushes the marker of being productivity and getting the best out of you. Think of just nature and people, when someone is having a bad day we try to come in aid to help cheer someone up. They may be down on their luck, but seeing that you care and is welcoming with a smile, can help them turn around their mood, and action help them smile as well.

In Conclusion

Smiling can be such a better tool if used well that a frown. It has many benefits and perks, and why shouldn’t we use things that naturally works. Be proud of you and yourself, your differences. If you need a boost of confidence being you, follow our Affirmations” series.

Embrace your smile, live your truth. There is only one you, and only you can truly make your experiences better in the world than it may seem. You can be a beacon of good for others for them to be better for themselves.

Smiling can add huge advantages to your art. When you think of working on yourself and craft and can use positive associations to smiling and enjoying doing it, it will push you towards doing more of it.

Photo by Brooke Cagle
Photo by Ivana Cajina
Photo by Max Harlynking

Links to Smiling:
Why Smiling Is Amazing
Reasons To Smile
Benefits Of Smiling

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© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox


Love is everything, and also something most chase.
Love yourself first, and nothing should take it’s place.
But you can add more love afterwards. 🙂 Make “Self Love” a priority.

*A Message From A Friend.