Tag Archives: journal

In The World of Make Believe

The world is forever changing,
As we wake up,
Our bodies are forever paining,
So what’s up,
We forever blaming,
Do we know what’s wrong,
We are forever paving,
The world of make believe,
Why do we lie to ourselves,
I guess me, myself and I is not a team,
How can I believe lies,
Forgetting the burden of proof,
Which is truth,
So why do I run with lies,
The problem is really within you,
So rid our lives of lies,
And stick the facts,
A fact plus a fact,
Is a BIGGER fact.

Photo by Marek Pospíšil on Unsplash

In The Meantime

While I sit by the window,
For I am always waiting,
Waiting for something interesting to pass by,
I see,
And only you,
Hiding behind the tree,
I know it was you,
It’s only you,
That wears that bright yellow hat,
And those flats,
Your ears tend to stick out,
I am not sure how you can ever,
Cover up that,
I see you, trying to pass by my house again,
Knowing you didn’t pick a flower for me,
Leaving me so sad,
I won’t chase you,
Just know,
Meantime I stay waiting,
I am missing you so bad.

Patterns To Break | Past Generations #poetry

I wake up,
To meet me,
The person I created,
The person I always been,
Am I ready to break the habit,
For, I didn’t design this path,
It was created by mass culture,
My mom and dad couldn’t unclaim,
So I fight to break,
So I push and I kick,
Until the glass is shattered,
Going to places I have never been.

Jixi Fox

Happy St. Patricks Day | Life Story

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I have a tiny story about St. Patrick’s Day. It’s a nifty cool holiday and a memorable one for me, especially living in New York City. The people and energy out on this day is exciting. It’s like just around to for it to soon be spring time, which is a huge thing for people in New York City. As they say, if you know you know, but it’s mainly if you never lived in New York City for a year, you will never understand the weather on how New Yorkers never pay attention to the weather man or weather apps.

Life in New York City

New York City creates it’s own weather, and I stand by it. It can be 85 degrees today and tomorrow its 25 degrees, trust and believe. We only say about the weather to be real once May to September happens, every other month, it’s a guessing game.

Mac Vs PC

Either way, St. Patrick’s Day is important to me, via it was the day I bought my first MAC computer product. Now this may be many years ago, I bought my MAC mini computer on St. Patrick’s Day, 2011. You can say I never turned back from that day. I credit the MAC computer to help me unlock my creative space and knowledge. I was a heavy power user of Windows computers, and once I had a MAC, it was just right I became the master of that system as well. Let me tell you, I didn’t disappoint.


Oh yea, there is a lot of beer drinking and beer crawls in NYC. I was blessed to try it out for 2 years, then retired. But the vibes and music at the time were at the highest ever.

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Thanks for reading.

How To Cope With Negative Feelings

Daily writing prompt
What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

8 Ways To Cope With Negative Feelings

Life may be different for everyone, but we do have some of the same feelings. When having a bad feeling, such as anger, despair, regret, jealous and more. I try to do one of these 8 options.

  1. Think of 4 postive things in my life that I am grateful for.
  2. Listening to music that uplift of a favorite artist of mines.
  3. Drink some water slowly while
  4. Call a good friend and talk.
  5. Go for walk and get some fresh air.
  6. Do some meditation and breathing exercises.
  7. Watch some movies that I enjoy or comedy specials.
  8. Pray or recite some positive affirmations.

How do you cope with negative feelings?

The Most Important Invention In My Lifetime

Daily writing prompt
The most important invention in your lifetime is…

This is an interesting thing. I would say the invention of the smartphone is the biggest most important invention. It’s literally, everything in a one device, so crazy the amount of things you can do with this small item. It has changed my life, as well as a camera and computer, but those already had existed for a while, but the smartphone was a game changer.

For more spoken word poetry posts.
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© ℗ 2024 | Jixi Fox | @jixifox

My First Computer Was A Compaq

Daily writing prompt
Write about your first computer.

My life changed with my first computer. My first computer was a desktop Compaq. The amount of things I did on that computer, it changed my life. I actually lost my 20/20 vision because of the computer. My eyes were glued to my computer monitor for hours and hours, trying to learn coding, digital audio, microsoft office, and quicken. The memories using this computer were endless.

The Thing I Am Scared To Do!

Bloganuary writing prompt
What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

There is so much to overcover, but I don’t feel I am scared of anything. I have a feeling on timing, as I am long term goal or achievement planner. I do what’s most important, but also have the self control to not let me mind runaway with things. You can say I am not so much the dreamer, I am the calculated analyst. My scope for things are deep, I can see the finished feelings, moods and even when I spontaneous. 

So two things I need to change or just try, is to dream bigger with feelings. Try at a closer end goal than a longer and see what the results would be. Push the limits in the moment. This is the year for me with that. Plan out and execute and go crazy in the wild style of life.

I made some big prediction and goals for this year, I am going to capture this moment. I am ready to be fully and more open.

Let’s GO…. This end the Bloganuary 2024, so lets go for it, BIG MOMENTS IN LIFE.