Tag Archives: Psychology

What Topics Do You Like To Discuss?

Daily writing prompt
What topics do you like to discuss?

I love to discuss art, movies, and tv shows. When it comes to style of writing, acting, and arch to storylines, I enjoy talking and discussing. I have a strong passion for the topics of psychology, mental health, self-improvement and development, and personal finance. Those are my bed and butter, as these are topics with so much depth in many other aspects. It unlocks so much about us—the decisions we make, the reasons why we operate, and also how we react to situational happenings.

If you are writing within this prompt, and you love to talk about these topics above, just drop me a “smiley face” 🙂 in the comments, as I would love to follow your blog, website and chat via social media. I would love to start a community in these fields. 🙂

Keep Planting Seeds To Grow

Planting Seeds To Grow

The riches and wealth we seek,
May not bloom on the first seeds,
To feed a village,
You need to keep planting seeds.

When its reaping time, the more crops you lay down, determine the maximum effort and results you can sow.

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Jixi Fox across the internet (I create diverse content on each platform) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcasts: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2024 | Jixi Fox | @jixifox




Where ever they float,
I want to be there to catch them,
Experience their lives and passions,
Hope and faith that creates lives,
I want to give life to those, never see them die,
Purity and honesty okay let’s pave a way,
Our dreams carry us through to see another day,
If I see another dream floating away,
I hope is comes floating towards me,
My way.

Jixi Fox
The Creative Nemesis


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“Track every dollar, save yourself from giving out your wealth.”

We sometimes blindly see money leaving our pockets, and not chase it. We just watch it go away and away.

Over taxed
Speeding Tickets
Parking Tickets
Unreturned items
Leaving Rebates on products
Not looking Discount on products
Buying too much in BULK
Buying too much of what you don’t need
Paying for everyone else’s costs and expenses
Not treating your money with respect
Spending too much on TRAVEL
Spending too much on food
Lack of investing your money (ROI)

Why do we let money go away? Then complain we don’t have any money?

Track your money,
Account for every dollar,
Track your losses as well. (even though it’s gone, once it reaches to a threshold of high amounts, it may motivate you to change.

Simply changes to make:

Use a credit card than debit,
Carry less cash around on hand,
Do a weekly meeting with yourself on your spendings,
Categorize those cost,
Use your notepad on your phone
Use your calculator on your phone

Make the effort count, to save you more money so you can invest more money, so you can make more money instead of losing it.

Photo by Alexander Mils
Photo by Jp Valery
Photo by Celyn Kang

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Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox


Sending out a helping hand,
To lift you up,
Sometimes you are in pain,
It’s hard to reach out to someone,
I try to be there for you,
I care that find help and peace,
You are not alone,
You are here with me.

Photo by Gean Montoya

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Feel free to chat with me & connect: Instagram Facebook Twitter Facebook TikTok

Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox


Deep inside,
You are not fine,
But you hide,
Trying to escape,
Hoping to not feel,
Always feel like you are waiting,
Avoiding the gaze,
Of the therapist eyes,
Hating why it’s so hard to change,
In a reality,
Having a new brain,
A new way of thinking,
Linking my past to the present,
Vacationing to a place,
I rather be….

Photo by Falaq Lazuardi

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Feel free to chat with me & connect: Instagram Facebook Twitter Facebook TikTok

Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox


“Give yourself time to heal.”

We can rush into things a lot. We tend to fear missing out.
But do we really take the time to we need?

This is your motivation and push to put yourself first. Think of what is mostly needed in your life now, and make it the priority. Think healing, growing and appreciating yourself.

Photo by Conscious Design

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Feel free to chat with me & connect: Instagram Facebook Twitter Facebook TikTok

Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox


Why they hating,
They should be relating,
Look for the best of me,
Instead of the toxic dating,
I should be shaking,
But I won’t,
I am on the move,
Not on the phone,
Don’t wish to be like me,
Be you,
Instead of trying to be a clone.

Photo by Ben Mater

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Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox


They stay trying to dim your light. You have to fight to shine bright. Don’t allow others to disrespect or neglect. You are someone, you are somebody, you deserve a chance, so be the person who gives yourself that chance.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema

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Jixi across the multiverse of the internet (Let the force be with you) Pinterest | Etsy
Music, Videos & Podcast: YouTube | Spotify | Bandcamp | Apple Music | Amazon

© ℗ 2022 | Jixi Fox