
So much life I was given,
I am thankful,
I often pause and think,
I am blessed,
I may not have everything,
But I am thankful for everything,
I am thankful for waking each morning,
I am thankful for the sky,
I am thankful for dirty dishes,
For I was able to eat a meal and dine,
I am thankful for my mother,
The loveliest lady alive,
I am thankful for the writers in the world,
For through their works,
I was able to build my smarts up high,
There are so many things to be thankful for,
And honestly I am thankful for them all,
I just want to give back to the world,
As a big thank you, most of all…

PS: I just released an album today – HEART LIES (check it out)

Written by: Jixi Fox
Copyrighted 2016: Jixi Fox

Source Image: Google Images
Facebook: @jixifox
Twitter: @jixifox

5 thoughts on “THANKFUL | #MOOD

  1. nosyjosie

    I love that you’re able to feel so view life this way. Being thankful is essential to receiving more blessings. You’re bound for success. And congrats on the new album!

    1. Jixi Fox

      Thank you… I truly appreciate it. In life we get a few chances sometimes one chance to do something, and for it to work out, no stress, and feel good doing it, is just amazing and sometimes you just dont see it coming. Thank you again…I am really feeling the album. Can’t wait for the next.

      1. nosyjosie

        I was able to hear the first 3 tracks and loved what I heard. I was going to purchase but I didn’t know what the desired fee for the album was. School me 🙂

      2. Jixi Fox

        It’s all about length… Which EP album did you hear? The average is about $2 or for shorter length $1. For my other full album on iTunes/Spotify or Amazon… The Album Nemesis or The Burna Effect are $4. It’s always good to support to local or indie people. I try to do that like once or twice a month even if it’s just a single. Then I do a write up review if I liked what I heard.

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