Tag Archives: publishing

What My First Time Ghostwriting Fiction Taught Me — A Writer’s Path

by Meg Dowell Last week I finished up the first of several ghostwriting assignments I am working on for a client. I had never ghostwritten fiction before (it’s a very different experience ghostwriting articles), so I wanted to share a few key things I learned. If you are considering ghostwriting as a possible side […]

via What My First Time Ghostwriting Fiction Taught Me — A Writer's Path


Chubby Sexy Poetics - Jixi Fox Poetry Art Poems 11

Lips, rose-red,
Body, amazing,
Combined, paradise,
Magnificent, in my eyes,
Every time we kiss,
The world slows down a bit,
And continue to do so,
Until our souls are one,
My heart beats,
We start over again,
Every moment special,
Loving every moment of it,
Your kisses…

Thanks for reading
Be sure to share
Come back for more…

Jixi Fox

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/jixifox
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/jixifox
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/jixifox
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/efcjixi


happy new year


Here we go again my friend,
Let’s get them resolutions popping,
No more flopping,
Matter of fact,
Let’s stop with the plotting,
Just run wild in with extremities,
And learn more life lessons,
So you can transfer your experiences,
Into the path of someone else’s vision,
And show them what not to do,
Soon you will see who is the true you,
While slowing down with the antics,
And plan things, execute and win,
A smile on the face,
And not fall from an uppercut from right under your chin.

Happy New Year to all… It’s exciting to say we have reached here again, let’s make some memorable experiences.  What is just one thing you would like to get done or do this year?

Jixi Fox