love poems – written letters

as i pen these words,
on paper,
for you,
i vow to always,
love you.

if you could see,
the crumbled attempts,
of my perfect written words,
you may think my garbage pail,
is an ice cream cone.

sprinkles of life,
and circles,
and of course hearts,
that would have you melt,
dripping with emotions,
over and over again.

i may have written over 90 letters,
trying to find the right words,
to make you know,
how much,
i love you.

it may seem so far left,
but i know its right,
if you can open your eyes,
you will see,
how much,
i love you.

until the right words,
flow from my insides,
to my out,
i will not stop,
until i can say,
in the right way,
how much,
i love you.

jixi fox

meet me on instagram: @jixifox

read more: click – love poems / love poem

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze 

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love poems – a love story is a series of love poems written to capture the art of love and all the beauty and chaos that comes with it. follow the story…”

ep.1 | ep.2

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