Tag Archives: prose

UnEarth Me Sir | Free Verse

Un earth me sir,
I am flying out space,
Never at a steady pace,
Shoes aint got no lace,
People after me in a chase,
I am innocent in any case,
Moving at the speed of light,
Food aint to my delight,
Wearing glasses because of my sight,
Fitting in this black hole will be tight,
In the end I think I will alright,
I just got to go.

Photo by SpaceX

For more spoken word poetry posts.
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Thanks for reading,

Jixi Fox / @jixifox

Lukewarm | Spoken Word

I am untouched,
Make you disappear,
With a wand brush,
I am far apart from the rest,
I am unnamed,
I go crazy most time,
But I am sane,
I claim more,
Than I really have,
You think I am hot,
I am usually trash,
When I am on the beach,
It’s usually bash,
If you thinking getting money,
It’s most definitely stashed.

Photo by Julian Hochgesang

For more spoken word poetry posts.
Enjoy new poetry posts.

Amazing other posts you will love.
Spent 30 Minutes, Deleting Emails OMG
I Do Color Outside The Box
In Such A Mist
Cycling Through Life
The Only Match Is You

Thanks for reading,

Jixi Fox / @jixifox

No Hiding From The Facts | Spoken Word

There is no hiding,
When I slide in,
It’s about the timing,
Going for gold so I am mining,
Meet me at the signing,
From the earth to your heart,
I will be climbing,
A life for me and you,
I will be designing,
If you you me silent,
I am simply deciding,
Around the world,
Our feet’s will be gliding,
Uncovering all treasures,
Which must include diamonds,
Remember what I said,
So you don’t have to ask Simon,
I am just playing,
Really I am, just rhyming.

Photo by Erwan Hesry

For more spoken word poetry posts.
Enjoy new poetry posts.

Amazing other posts you will love.
Spent 30 Minutes, Deleting Emails OMG
I Do Color Outside The Box
In Such A Mist
Cycling Through Life
The Only Match Is You

Thanks for reading,

Jixi Fox / @jixifox

Flying To Beaches, Eating Peaches, Shhh Don’t Tell Secrets | Free Verse

I would sing if I could,
I am boarding flights,
As I know I would,
To reach to the beaches,
Islands with sexy features,
Far from the normal,
It’s the risks I take,
Using the money I make,
Ooops another PTO used,
I am at the gate,
Starting to shake,
As the plane takes off,
A glass of wine,
My shoes are off,
I am flying high,
In the sky,
Fireworks in my eyes,
Can’t wait for my surprise,
As soon as I land,
Foot in sand,
Fuji, Thailand or Japan,
Bahamas, Aruba, I don’t give a damn,
Moving according to plan,
Peaches and fruits so juicy,
Meet me in the jacuzzi,
Listening to I Wanna Rock by Lil Uzi,
Bubbles & bottles are popping,
Juices are flowing,
Where I am at,
And who I am with,
You don’t need,
To be knowing,
Closed lips do exist,
Until they open wide,
I don’t tell secrets,
Tattle taling,
They ain’t even my style.

Photo by Olga Budko
Photo by Olga Budko

For more spoken word poetry posts.
Enjoy new poetry posts.

Thanks for reading,

Jixi Fox / @jixifox


Hi November,
I have been waiting on you,
Two months left,
This year was so intense,
I just want to have text with you,
So get upset,
I am out to get this check,
Oh yea,
I pick up the tab,
Only it’s sitting with you.

So for all the warm cozy nights,
I will be holding you tight,
If you catch a cold,
It will be alright,
Just know I will be there for you.

Autumn Leaves

Past November posts: here and here.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

Thanks for reading.

Itz Jixi | @jixifox

I Could Have Chosen You

Left staring,
You wasn’t hearing me,
Cheeks wet,
I am not upset,
But I am leaving you.

Photo by Brock Wegner

Thanks for reading.

Itz Jixi | @jixifox

Just A Way Out

Just can’t believe it’s butter,
I stutter when I say it,
I don’t know the way,
You want to play it,
Okay it’s up in the air,
But I am not that crazy,
I couldn’t get out of bed today,
Mostly because I am lazy.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦
Photo by Kate Stone Matheson

Thanks for reading.

Itz Jixi | @jixifox

No Seats Available | Spoken Word

There are no seats for you at the table,
You are not able,
To sit with my crew,
I brought food and lunch for my dogs,
I didn’t bring none for you,
I can’t face you,
Pardon my back,
I am eating snacks,
So scooby,
I roll dice all the time,
Jamaican style,
Back still turnt,
You are not faceable,
Looking like lead from my pencil,
You are erasable,
Not praisable,
You are not a god,
Head to the corner of the room,
Swallow your sobs,
You can’t always fit in,
If it’s not a loss,
Don’t think it’s a win,
You hit the rim,
It’s a miss,
Should have dunked it,
No yards to gain,
You should have punt it.

Photo by Jesse Plum

For more spoken word poetry posts.
Enjoy new poetry posts.

Amazing other posts you will love.
Spent 30 Minutes, Deleting Emails OMG
I Do Color Outside The Box
In Such A Mist
Cycling Through Life
The Only Match Is You

Thanks for reading,

Jixi Fox / @jixifox

Not To Mention

Not to mention,
The way you looked at me,
Changed my thoughts,
I am over the moon,
That you actually,
Can see me.

Photo by Morgan Sessions

Thanks for reading.

Itz Jixi | @jixifox